About Me

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is noone alive who is youer than you.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

So I just spend 30 minutes writing this and deleted it by accident. FML. The "Save Now" button is my new best friend.

So I'd like to take this opportunity to complain about LOOKBOOK. The site claims to be a fashion site, to show off your outfits, share them with others, get ideas for ways to dress and all that jazz. It seems as though the photography is the main priority with each look though. You take the same outfit, on the same person, but take one photo in your messy bedroom, and the other on the beach, in the snow, in a park, anywhere interesting, and I can guarantee the second will get many, many more likes. It really angers me.
I won't lie, I do hype the odd look, because the photography is beautiful, but if I don't like the clothes, why click that little black button? I really need a site like that for photography. Does anybody know of any? You know me, I'm a sucker for a beautiful photo.

On that note, I am absolutely in love with my new Lomography camera. It was a Christmas gift from Craig MacDonald, who I'm guessing will be mentioned numerous times throughout this blog, he's a pretty big part of my life. Bless his atheist soul. I've had an amazing time running around in the snow, snapping photos with my Diana + Mini. My sister borrowed my flash for three days for a trip to Killarney, I've been lost without it.

My musical auditions are over the next few days, and I am terrified. I really want a good part in this, but as it's Seussical The Musical, it's a sing through, and I'm not sure if I'm good enough for a singing role! I hope if goes well though, and I'm really excited to get working on it over the next few months.

It's ten past two, and I have a logn day of absolutely nothing planned for tomorrow, so I'd really better get to sleep.


  1. www.deviantart.com for photography & art.
    So jealous of your Diana Mini!

  2. Ahh great thank you! Joined!
    Yeah it's my favourite thing in the world at the moment, getting film and developing it is gonna be an utter bitch though!
