About Me

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is noone alive who is youer than you.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Well it's been a while.

I'm not going to lie, I did completely forget about this until my Dad brought it up last week while staying in our Spanish apartment, near Murcia in southern Spain.
Two of my friends, Maria and Johanna, stayed with us for a week and a half, and I stayed an extra week with my parents after they left. My sister, Kate, came over for a few days also but couldn't stay long as she's a working gal to save up to move out in September.
It was a great two and a half weeks, the girls and I did the usual "Sisters doin' it for themselves" holiday routine, spending the days tanning (or burning in my case) by the pool, and heading to the local Irish bar after dinner with dear Roma and Eugene.
However fantastic the holiday was, I'm definitely glad to be home, the heat was becoming too much, and lets be honest, how much alone time can one spend with their parents before they start to go slightly insane? Another reason I was glad to be home is, the Spanish roads began to scare me after the third last day, when my Mum and I were in a car crash near San Javier with an old Romanian man who was carried off in an ambulance. We assume it was only precautionary though, as he's elderly and was clutching at his heart to show he had a condition. This was my first car crash, and I'd like to stay away from them for quite some time, it's not all that fun. Even now, hearing screeching tyres sends me into a mini panic attack.
I saw my ex-boyfriend and old best friend today for the first time in almost seven months. It was weird seeing him, especially seen as I have a new boyfriend now, Conor, but a nice reunion none the less. Craig had missed my birthday, and as he spent the last three or so weeks in Orlando, staying with his Dad's family, he bought me The Elderwand in Harry Potter world. Needless to say, it's the best birthday present I've ever received and without a doubt will it be accompanying me to the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 premier this Friday.
A group of my friends and I are heading to Wexford tomorrow, for hopefully a sunny day on the beach with a BBQ. We're getting the bus down, and as always I am poor and had to clean my sisters car this evening to earn money to get there and back. There are no words to describe the filth of her car. Lets just say when I looked under one of the seats, I definitely saw something move. I'm finished now and have retreated to my room, trying to recover my just staring at the wand, which of course cheers me up significantly.
Absolutely devastated that I didn't get to Oxegen this year. Quite an amazing line up, though nothing compared to last years. Without a doubt I WILL be at Oxegen next year, camping and all, and I can't wait.
Thats all for now, though I still don't know why I've kept this thing. Should have been deleted after post two.
Pip Pip.

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