About Me

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is noone alive who is youer than you.

Friday, December 10, 2010


In Religion this week, most of my year has been watching The Prince of Egypt, a Dreamworks adaption of the story of Moses, the Hebrews and the likes. Now, I know the whole story of Passover and all that jazz.
This made me think, if they made everything into cartoon movies, it would be so much easier to learn. Think about it, if they made a cartoon film out of the life of Christopher Columbus, Adolf Hitler or Martin Luther or any of those historical geniuses, we could all remember it so much better.
The same with major events in History, like World War I and II, French/American Revolutions, it's a genius idea and someday, I'll be a billionaire and so many people will do amazingly in their History exams.. It'll be epic.

Also, don't get mad about me calling Adolf Hitler a genius, can't deny it. If somebody managed to get away with that for so many years, they're a genius. Although, I'm no Nazi, that shiz is bent.


Living in a Snow Globe

So from the 27th of November until today, the weather has been ridiculous.
The third year running of snow and ice, yet our country still has NO idea what to do when it comes to it? It's hilarious, I love how laid back it is here in Ireland.
All this financial business going on, I swear I've heard more talk of the snow and ice than I have of the Budget and all that jazz, we get excited so easy. "So this snow then, I don't like it, do you like it?", "Ooh no I don't like it at all", "It's too cold", "Ah yes, too cold"
Apart from the cancellation of school, and ability to stay in with a cup of tea and realise there is nothing you really should be doing right then, the ice is driving me insane.
I slipped on the little bitches walking home from school on Monday and sprained my wrist, not even my writing wrist so it's no help at all. Do you know how many activities need to hands? ALL OF THEM. I hate being a cripple, though I get a fair few sympathy favors in return.
Once again, pretty sure nobody will read this.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

So this is a blog then?

It's the first day of December, or the second if we're going to get technical, but since I haven't been to bed yet I consider it the first.
Today, I begin a blog, that hopefully I will not forget about in a few days. I decided it's a good idea to write as much as I can, before Transition Year melts my brain completely.
I called this blog "Tell Me Bout Them Rabbits" because I just studied Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, shockingly boring book I must admit. Anyway, I'd like somebody to tell ME about them rabbits.
I doubt anyone is reading this, oh well.